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Int 2F Fn FBA1  U - Tkernel (borland DOS Extender) - Uninstall             [E]

   AX = FBA1h
   BX = 0084h
   ES:DI -> response buffer (see below)

Return: ES:DI buffer filled

See Also: AX=FBA1h/BX=0081h,AX=FBA1h/BX=0084h

Format of response buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  4 BYTEs  signature "IABH"
 04h   WORD    success indicator
       0001h failed (INT 2F hooked by another program)
       unchanged if successful
 06h   WORD    segment of ???
 08h   WORD    segment of ??? memory block to free if nonzero
 0Ah   WORD    segment of ??? memory block to free if nonzero

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